In Haiti 80% of the population lives on less than a dollar per day, more than 3 million people do not have access to clean water and 1 out of every 3 children dies before the age of 5 due to preventable conditions like malnutrition, and immunisable diseases.

photo of a man being rescued from a collapsed building
You probably ask yourself every day why you should donate to the Red Cross? The Red Cross is a humanitarian organization based on principles of Volunteering, humanity, universality, impartiality, all which are principles and core values that appeal to us as human beings. The situation in Haiti transcends all religions, races, and political ideologies.
first aid help from a Red Cross worker
The Norwegian Red Cross has provided 4 cargo airplanes already in Haiti, filled with medical equipment, beds, tents, and medical personnel. It has also collected 47.5 million kroner and the collection keeps getting bigger every day.
This support allows the Red Cross to continually provide mobile health units to support local clinics, thus preventing and treating possible epidemics and chronic diseases, as well as psychosocial trauma.
Bærum youth volunteers at a shopping center.
Akershus Red Cross Youth are actively involved in the collection by putting up collection stands at shopping centers, trains stations, as well as having made a short video to encourage people to donate not just money but also their time;
Donating to the Red Cross means more shelter for the homeless people, more medicine for the sick and more food for the hungry.
Skedsmo youth volunteers
The situation in Haiti is appalling and the people of Haiti are counting on us to show that we care. Please log onto or contact your local Red Cross branch leader and make a world of difference. Thank you.
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